Child orientation sessions:
Easing them into a new and often confusing reality
Have you been ordered by the court to attend a Children's Contact Service? Are you a family in the process of becoming separated or already separated and prefer to avoid contact with each other?
Family Konnect’s Children’s Supervised Contact Services are designed to help you experience a visit that is as smooth and pleasant as possible, minimise distress to the child and optimise the safety of all concerned, while helping you engage and interact in meaningful ways.
- Competitive rates
- No waiting lists
- Reports delivered in 48 hours
- Cross cultural and bilingual communicators
- Free of charge referrals to support services in the community if needed.
- Compassionate and experienced supervisors with extensive experience dealing with family issues.
- Focus on the safety and well-being of children and young people.
- Interim Supervision Services for families who await availability to utilise funded contact supervision services and who require immediate start
Child Orientation Sessions prior to Contact Visitation
Family Konnect offers and recommends a child orientation session prior to any service commencement. We want to assist your children who may be are anxious about what is to occur at the contact visit.
Our child familiarisation sessions are designed to guide your children through the contact visit process and ease any concerns he/she might have.
This is an opportunity to assess the child’s ability to separate from their primary caregiver and develop an understanding of what the child’s feelings, concerns and needs are.
They generally take place after the Intake Assessor informs us about whether the child displays signs of anxiety or refuses to attend supervised contact visits with the other parent.
These sessions are also designed to assess if the child is prepared for the visits. If he or she is not, other help is arranged before seeing the parent.

How does a Child Orientation Session unfold?
Our qualified and highly experienced supervisor will meet with the parent and child, explain their role, discuss what will occur at the visit and answer any questions the child may have in a very clear and empathic way.
The conversation takes place directly between our team member and the child.